How PS took Care of Its Employees During the Pandemic: A Publicis Sapient Review

The pandemic was a horrifying experience for all.

The second wave of COVID-19 infection was especially dreadful. Most of us were affected. Scarcity of beds in hospital, low supply of medicines and dearth of oxygen cylinders made the pandemic our worst nightmare!

Thankfully, employers like Publicis Sapient helped and supported their employees in the best ways possible. Publicis Sapient is already a great employer as you may have read in several Publicis Sapient employee reviews. The company went beyond and above its regular policy to truly become an employee-first employer and prioritize employees’ wellbeing over everything else.

After we were over the worst, the company organized for vaccinations when most employees couldn’t find slots for vaccination as well.

For those who were COVID-19 positive and their family members, the company extended its leave policy to include more leaves until an employee recovers. The company also allowed employees to work flexibly, so they can take better care of themselves and their family members.

The company also created support groups for employees who were living by themselves and even sent food for them. A lot of employees contributed wholeheartedly by helping in whatever ways they could.

A lot of employees took over their colleagues’ work who were affected by COVID or absent due to some reason related to COVID. There are a lot of Publicis Sapient reviews in which you can read about it.

While most companies were either laying their employees off or furloughing their staff, Publicis Sapient went above and beyond to not only keep their employees well and safe, but their immediate family members as well.

The company, in general, focuses a lot on employee wellbeing and development. So, it’s not surprising that PS took all the measures to support its employees.

All this proves why Publicis Sapient has been consistently ranked one of the best places to work! 
