Publicis Sapient Interview Questions: Here's how to Prepare for Your React Job


Are you a React Developer aspiring for a job at Publicis Sapient? If yes, here’s how you can ace your Publicis Sapient interview questions.  

Q1. What is JSX?

JSX is a syntax extension of HTML. In simple words, JSX allows developers to use JavaScript with HTML in React. Browsers are not built to support JSX. Browsers first convert it to regular JavaScript and then run it. As a React developer, you should be well-versed with JSX.

Q2. What is the difference between ES5 and ES6 syntax?

Like JSX, ES6 and ES5 differ in their syntax structures.

Q3. What are the phases of React JS component?

There are four phases of React JS component, including -

1. Initialization

2. Mounting

3. Updating

4. Unmounting

In addition to these questions, during your Publicis Sapient interview, you will also be asked to write code. Here are a few examples -

Q4. How do you create an event in React?

Q5. How do you create a synthetic event in React?

Q6. How to create a Stack Navigator in React Native?

If you’re aspiring to work at Publicis Sapient, you can find more information about the company here:
