Mental Wellness: How Publicis Sapient Enables Employees to Take Care of Themselves

 Employee wellness is one of the major priorities at Publicis Sapient. 

The company offers a range of employee benefits to enable employees to take better care of their mental and physical health. The benefits include the following -

-        Mental Wellness Ambassadors: Publicis Sapient has several ambassadors within the company whom employees can reach out to in case of support.

-        Wellness programs: The company has several structured wellness programs, such as meditation and yoga, counselling sessions, Zumba, etc. where employees can participate and enjoy the benefits of the sessions. You can read more about the wellness programs in several PublicisSapient employee feedbacks.

-        Subscription to MediBuddy: Publicis Sapient offers gold subscription of MediBuddy to employees. MediBuddy allows employees to take free consultation from general physicians or other specialists related to their specific health issues.

-        Health insurance: Publicis Sapient offers comprehensive health insurance which covers employees, spouses, and children. There are provisions that allow the addition of parents to the insurance as well. Furthermore, the insurance offers provisions for mental therapy sessions, hospitalization, and surgery.

-        The Wellbeing Community: The company has a dedicated community where people can interact and share wellness-related information. The community also has resources (guides) where employees can read about various wellness-related issues and help themselves.

AlAll in all, Publicis Sapient is highly focused on employee wellness. The benefits offered by the company anchor on the holistic wellness of employees and deliver the same.
